An Open Letter to Mitch Daniels
Be an apostle for liberty. Why is it good, necessary, desired, hard, true, fair, strong, valuable? Explain these, singly then together. Pitch liberty to America, pitch American liberty to the world at large, to the Muslims, to the Socialists, to the oligarchical subjects yearning to be free. Pitch liberty and save the world.
Avoid libertarianism. The extra four syllables confuse things. Stick to liberty. Everybody wants it. Everybody should have it. America should have more of it.
Foreign policy should be based on it. Not blindly. Savvy remains required. Good. Savvy is one quality that no one doubts you possess. In spades.
What does liberty require of us? As individual citizens, as parents, as economic actors, as a Party? Liberty sure isn't free. What are its costs?
What does 21st Century liberty look like? How should it manifest itself online, on phones, in a connected world?
How should liberty be taught? By who, to whom, when and where?
What is government's role in creating the conditions for liberty, in defending it, in promoting it?
Together with your impeccable domestic executive experience, liberty will fully define you by providing a lodestar for a foreign and military policy deeply rooted in the American Dream.
After all, what is the Leader of the Free World but an Apostle for Liberty.