This started before George W. and he might be just a footnote by the time it is done. And yet The Left, in a patented bit of self
Brilliant. Let’s let Fascist Islamism win, in all its stultifying, life
Clash of civilizations? You bet. Not with the (vast, we hope) majority of Muslims, but with the alarmingly large (and growing) Islamist cohorts that refuse to accept modernity, in all its limiting and limitless messiness.
Nor is this simply a West or a Jew or a Christian v. Muslim issue. Sadly, in the grandest possible way, it is a Muslim v. Non
Yes, nothing is simple. Saudi petrodollars – fed by American SUVs – fund Wahhabi schools that teach a benighted vision of Islamic superiority and vengeance to millions of youngsters the world over. But complexity doesn’t change the most fundamental of universal standards of decency, the first corollary of the Golden Rule: thou shall not target civilians. (Here is a simple rule of thumb for telling the good guys from the bad: the good guys try to avoid collateral damage, while the bad guys consider collateral damage the goal.)
On 9/11 we stared into the valley of death, to all appearances the beginning of the end. Turns out it wasn’t the end, just the mass launch of a new beginning. Five years later, after ongoing wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon, and serious rear-guard skirmishes in London, Madrid, Amsterdam, Ankara, Paris and Bali, we are finally, painfully, bloodily at the end of that beginning.
Now the Middle Game begins. To get your bearings, compare the current IslamoFascist War (IFW) to the Cold War, its closest recent analog. Five years into that East
Today’s comfortable Democrats are so dismissive of George W. many can’t bring themselves to even look at him, diverting themselves from the wolf at the door by fixating on a transitional character, the first of what will likely be five US Presidents during the full run of the IFW.
Consider Truman’s Cold War successors: Eisenhower did okay, JFK a bit of this a bit of that during two and a half years, LBJ disaster, Nixon self
Ronald Reagan, to the everlasting chagrin of the Left, immediately faced down a young Ahmadinejad, then ably and mostly elegantly won the End Game of the Cold War, bringing a fifty year conflict to a very successful conclusion with nary a nuke fired. A generation of Democratic sophisticates still can’t bring themselves to accept it.
Enough history: back to the future. How many Republicans and how many Democrats are going to follow George W. Bush in the White House before
Unlike the last time someone tried to unseat the sitting wartime President, we can hope that 2008 candidates will realize that the key to winning the larger contest will be not just out debating the other party’s candidate. Rather, it will be to truly lead the Free World by speaking directly to the Muslims and every other ‘interest group’ on this spaceship Earth. Because the war won’t stop, can’t stop, until Islam grows up and accepts that it ain’t all about them, or their Prophet (Peace be upon him.), or what their Mullahs say. The IFW will end when Fascist Islam becomes relegated to the dustbin of history, there to sit in infamy with the Nazis, the Khmer Rouge, and the Cultural Revolution Maoists.
Give us an upcoming President that speaks that truth to that audience and we’ll get busy scouting out another spot up on Rushmore. (A woman’s face would look good, don’t you think?)